Complainant's Name
Complainant's Address
Complainant's Phone #
Nature of Complaint
Address of property concerning complaint
Please be aware that all imformation below must be completed for Amity Township to investigate the complaint. If it is not filed out completely, Amity Township will use their discretion in responding to the complaint.
Please be informed, this is a non-public record and all information will be withheld, except in a court hearing. Should this matter, upon non-compliance of a code violation, be brought before the District Justice or any other judicial forum, you may be requested and/or subpoenaed by Amity Township to attend the hearing.
I understand I may be requested and/or subpoenaed to attend a hearing.
E Mail
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If you do not receive a confirmation from us with 48 hours, please call the office.
Zoning and Property Maintenance Complaint Form